Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How can I pay for my order?

    You can pay through Cash on Delivery, Visa/Master/UnionPay Credit/Debit Cards,Paypal,KEENU NetConnect and Credit Card on Delivery.

  2. Can you ship orders all over KSA ?

    Yes, currently we ship in all over cites in Ksa.

  3. How can I track or check status of my order?

    Order status can be checked from 'My Orders' screen in your account. Status can also be checked through Order Tracking page.

  4. How can I return a product?

    Please visit Returns & Refunds page for more information.

  5. Are you selling the real products?

    We sell high quality impressions of designer fragrances. Our perfume oils use the high quality ingredients to create a new inspired aroma that you will like. SCENT OF DAYS competes with designer brands. It does not use their fragrances and is not associated in any way with the designer brands or their manufacturers. All trademarks are property of their respective owners. We are in compliance with the Competition Commission of SAUDIA ARAB Act and Policies.